Wellman (and Speer) Family Vacation 2012. Prepare yourselves for quite a few pictures! All seven siblings, Tim, the grandgirls, the grandparents, and the granddog were all able to be together for the first few days. And it was wonderful.
From the left: Tim, Stella (dog), Sarah, Vivian, Michael, Nichole, Grandma, Miriam, Maria, Grandpa, John, Bridget, Annette |
We stayed in a cabin on a lake with one window air conditioner during a heat wave that brought several hundred degree days. But that heat didn't stop us from having fun! Crossword puzzles, Apples to Apples, Catch Phrase, Monopoly Deal, bike rides, walks, hikes, runs, swimming, skiing, tubing, boat rides, watching TV, family rosaries, lots of ice cream, fishing, and just relaxing...we soaked up every minute. Mommy learns more everyday the blessings of being born into a large family.
Aunt Nichole and Aunt Bridget preparing breakfast after a run. |
Daddy and the messy Miriam both looking very sleepy! |
Vivian takes a break with Aunt Maria on the back deck. |
Uncle Michael and Vivi |
Daddy gives Aunt Annette grilling lessons. |
Miriam and Vivian help Grandma stir the cornbread. |
Aunt Annette and Vivian |
We stayed in the county that has the most covered bridges in the state. We took a little time to check them out.
The real star of the week was WATER. We had to stay cool! With a tub of water on the upper deck to splash in, our girls did just fine...
...they even kept Grandpa cool on the lower deck!
Miriam loves her spray bottle. We had to make a rule that we only spray people from the knees down because she was getting pretty carried away with her mission to keep the family cool.
Uncle John was a pretty great skier!
And he and Grandpa were able to teach Aunt Maria how to ski in about 15 minutes. She's a pro now!
Our little girls loved their boat rides and even had some fun driving the boat with Daddy.
Our cutie pies are pretty sad to say goodbye to the lake.