Monday, June 4, 2018

In the name of love

February. The month of love. Valentine's Day and our anniversary. 9 years this past February. We celebrated by going out to a couple new breweries in Fort Wayne. 
You know who seems to get the most love around here? You know. Simon. Who do the girls want to see the minute they get off the bus? Simon. Who does Mommy take too many pictures of? Simon. Who does Felicity beg to see the minute he wakes up? Simon.
First smoothie.
Favorite toy-that-belongs-to-Elijah
Something's off here.
Yes, apparently he doesn't get proportions yet.
BFFs + Super Mom
Yup, that sums up the Simon life.

So in other February news...there was e-learning. WE LOVE e-learning. These are our bonus days. The girls are home and we don't have to make up school for bad weather. We just do the school work at home. It's a lovely, lovely thing.
On a relatively warm afternoon, we went up to Pokagon for a hike through the woods. These peaceful times as a family are going to be memories we'll cherish. When people say, "You're going to miss these days" they're right. We will miss the days we stopped everything to just enjoy our children. 
 Mommy and Aunt Bridget took Simon, Elijah, and Felicity to the botanical gardens in Fort Wayne. It's an annual trip that let's us pretend it's summer for a day with warm, fresh air and play that feels almost outdoors.
Tim took Vivian to a friend's birthday party at the local roller skating rink. She really enjoyed it and is getting pretty quick on those skates. Just has to figure out how to balance on them and she'll be ready to let go of the trainer!
AND speaking of love...we love Aunt Bridget! Her birthday is in February and we surprised her with a family birthday party! The Canadian family members even came!!
A quick, lovely post for a short, lovely month.