Tim took a day off of work to head to the zoo with Felicity's kindergarten and Vivian's 2nd grade classes. He loves to take advantage of field trips to spend some quality time with the girls at this age.
And Sarah was still chugging along on Simon's quilt.
Beautiful May weather meant lots of outdoor time...Simon's love affair with the lawn mower was in full bloom. When Tim wasn't home to mow with him, Simon circled the house over and over and over and over with his own mower. Do two year old boys ever tire?
The woods created some magical moments, too. We took our wild flower field guide outdoors one Sunday afternoon and identified as many flowers as we could find. Every shade of violet, asters, phlox, pinks, butterwort, forget-me-not, toad shade, and on.
Miriam began her beekeeping 4-H project with Aunt B, who called when her bees arrived in the mail one afternoon. Throughout the month she observed Aunt B caring for her bees in hopes of having her own hive in a year or two.
And on less ideal weather days, Elijah and Simon kept each other company. Though we're not sure what happens to their clothes on these days!
Vivian and Miriam also had a lovely, butterfly-themed piano recital. Both did very well!!
End of May also means end of school. Miriam ran unopposed for Student Council Secretary. It was a good exercise in poster and speech making since she had a guaranteed win for her 4th grade year.
The school took the kids to enjoy a local minor league baseball game. We made it a family outing. The kids all got sunglasses, hot dogs, a drink, and chips. The gentleman sitting behind our family even offered us half a bag of peanuts. Classic baseball goodness. The day started out cold and rainy which meant a delayed game, but once the weather cleared it was an absolutely beautiful day!
And finally it was the last day of school with awards (have to brag a bit...all the girls earned High Honors). Daddy is so proud his cutie pies.
End of year photos with their teachers. It's a little heartbreaking how much they grow in just one school year.
3rd Grade Miriam and Ms. Rieke |
Kindergarten Felicity and Mrs. Mahoney |
2nd grade Vivian and Mr. Yarnall |