Sunday, July 28, 2013

For the Sake of Being Real

A bedtime story before we shovel them into bed.
Having three kids (three and under) is hard. Maybe it gets easier when they are older?? Sometimes we do not know how people with more children do it. Actually, we're not exactly sure how we're doing it. We've started calling this "Survival Mode". We're doing what we have to to keep it together. Mowing the lawn the minimum number of times to not be the "bad neighbors". Sweeping the floor of food but rarely scrubbing it...occasionally Swiffering. Our meals aren't what you'd call gourmet or often even yummy. Most come out of a crockpot and taste similar. Exciting. Should we admit that perhaps the living room has only been seriously vacuumed two or three times since Felicity was born? And now that she can scoot off her blanket, we're going to have to be better about that. We spend more time in the cry room and bathroom during Mass than actually praying. Oh yeah, we're here and breathing and this blog makes it look like we're having all kinds of good fun.

Felicity's first swim...she really did love it!
But for the sake of Being Real...know that there are days we're ready to throw in the towel and say, "We're done. Three is all we can take."

But for the sake of Being Real...know that we're in "Survival Mode". And hopefully one day these parents will get a real, one-on-one, 2 hour (at least!?!?) date again.

But for the sake of Being Real...know that we're eating way more hot dogs and cold meat sandwiches than the American Academy of Pediatrics would approve of.

But for the sake of Being Real...know that Felicity is being breastfed only by sheer willpower. Cause this Mom doesn't like it at all.

But for the sake of Being Real...know that Tim works late many, many nights and truly wishes he had more time eating family dinners and being with his girls.

But for the sake of Being Real...know that we went to bed last night before 10 PM. Probably before Tim's grandparents.

But for the sake of Being Real...know that we have some serious sibling rivalry/catfighting happening in this house. And that's understating the situation by A LOT.

But for the sake of Being Real...know that we're giving credit where credit is due. God is the ONLY one getting us through these challenges and keeping us from losing it.

Despite her parents failings, turns out Miriam is having a happy childhood.
Frequently we marvel over how difficult we thought that first one was. Seemed we were barely surviving. Doubtless the first is a shock to the old system. But we laugh at how much free time we must have had then that we didn't appreciate.

Vivian enjoys some fruit snacks - all nutrition, all the time.
So what we really want to say is: Cheers to three little girls who we love to death. Who make our life chaos. But who are absolutely worth it.

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