Saturday, March 10, 2018

December Bonus

There's just a bit of December left to share after Christmas. But it deserves recognition. Like when Claire came bearing gifts...cozy socks and Trolls cups and your-first-remote-control-truck and chocolates...she's a pretty amazing gift buyer.
Or the many days Simon still would not leave the tree alone. Those ornaments were his weak spot...drawing him in and calling to be rearranged again.
Aunt Maria and Miriam spent some quality time making cake together during Christmas Break. This was a really special occasion for Miriam! Aunt Maria all to herself...another milestone marking how mature she is already.
Sarah's cousins and Aunt Maria came over for a Barbie party! Our girls absolutely love this tradition!
Uncle Michael spent some quality time with us on New Year's Eve. He gets them giggling and is never afraid to be a kid with them. Probably why they love him so much.
And that's December. That's 2017. Another year of our kids being surrounded by good, good people who love them to bits.

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