Thursday, August 2, 2012

52 Weeks of Joy: Week 30

Miriam and Vivian are tremendously joyful at the simplest things. This morning we enjoyed breakfast on the deck. "A Breakfast Picnic!" declared Miriam. They are not big breakfast eaters, but today they both took more than three bites of their toast. That may have been because it had cinnamon and sugar instead of the usual peanut butter.

And then, still wearing their bibs and PJs, they were off exploring their dewy yard.  

 "See! Hands!" Vivian shouts, shaking the sand away.

 Oops...that was a zucchini blossom, Miriam!

Caught snitching a cherry tomato...

"I touch it!" Vivian exclaims, as she almost smashes a cricket with her tiny index finger.

We will have to do this again soon, little girls.

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