Sunday, September 13, 2015


We've said this week to several people that the girls are like puppies now - when Miriam comes home from school they just jump around one another, bouncing from snack to homework to play to play to play to dinner to bath - happy to be together after another day apart. They are just so familiar with those together days.
They still don't seem to be quite used to this new "apart time". Vivian tries to be a good big sister and Felicity tolerates her heavy-handed nurturing. Slowly but surely, our two youngest girls are growing closer and closer.
But Miriam's personality offers them a balance and guiding presence that they are a little lost without at times during the day.
Vivian likes to mimic all of Miriam's homework - she will be teaching the other kindergartners next year.
Felicity has gotten wise on homework time and offers to take a bath. Alone. All the tub all to herself. 

Labor Day weekend was wonderful - lots of Tim's family was here, our town has a great classic car festival, and we got a long weekend together as a family.
With all kinds of time at the pool wearing the girls out. (In the picture below, find Felicity stalking Aunt Michelle's birthday cake.)
We're starting to understand how wonderful all the days off from school will be because they mean a few more minutes of three little girls and their mom and dad together.

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