Friday, August 17, 2018

Felicity's 5th Birthday

Felicity - the child we want to stay little forever. It's become crystal clear with the two older ones that they won't stop growing and school days make the time go even faster. But maybe can convince this one to pause?
Last Day of Being 4 Years Old
No luck. She jumped into FIVE with gusto - starting with a birthday date with Daddy. She collected plenty of flair to accentuate a favorite dress and Mommy curled her hair. Flairicity was so excited for her night to have Daddy all to herself. After games and dinner at Crazy Pinz, they stopped for ice cream.
Her birthday got a bit lost in the shuffle as Mommy planned and set up for a friend-and-fund-raising event for the Women's Care Center. But we did make it out to dinner to celebrate. She got a free dessert and was so delighted with that we couldn't get a decent picture! Mommy didn't have a chance to make her a cake so thank goodness for ice cream and cinnamon-sugar tortillas!
The next morning, we sang to her with donuts and candles. Breakfast cake!
A few weeks later we had a family birthday party - pink zebra themed! Mommy put together a craft for the girls,
 Aunt Bridget made a pin the tail on the zebra game, and Aunt Maria made a "friendly zebra cake" with pink zebra stripes inside!
She got lots of cuddles and gifts...
 And blew out her candles perfectly thrilled to be growing older.
Felicity at five doesn't nap anymore, loves to create with paper, glue, gems, blocks, and play dough, and wears a dress and Princess Poppy hair bow almost everyday. She's a great helper to Mommy with chores and keeping an eye on Simon. Each morning after Daddy, Miriam, and Vivian leave for school she helps make beds, open blinds, and start the laundry and dishes. She enjoys cooking and learning with Mommy while Simon takes his afternoon nap. She can still be a bit of picky eater - veggies are avoided as often as possible and chocolate is VERY high on the list of favorite foods. She has belly aches pretty often - we think this is an issue with dairy; boxed mac and cheese seems to be her biggest problem so we don't keep it in the house anymore to help her stay away from it. Felicity is caring and sweet, uses her manners and is extremely polite. On the other hand, she knows, as all siblings do, exactly how to push her sisters' buttons and get their attention!

Happy birthday, little girl.

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