Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Miriam's First Communion

Miriam made her First Communion on May 6th. We were all looking forward to this day. She had prepared at school, at Religious Education on Sunday mornings, and we went through the Blessed program at home. The evening before we went to Confession as a family. It felt as though we had put in all the goodness we could to ready her for receiving an incomprehensible mystery. The how and why of the Eucharist we can be told a million times, but will any human ever truly understand the love and humility present in the bread and wine, the Body and Blood? So while we may never fully comprehend, we'd done our best to pass on the Faith and Truth so that she can have eternal life as Jesus promised (John 6:54).
As parents we love this Faith and the responsibility we have to give it as a gift to our children. Nothing quite brings that into focus like watching her receive her First Communion. 
It was a beautiful day and she looked lovely in her new shoes and her godmother's First Communion gown and veil.
The children had a quick practice with Fr. Tim before Mass to make sure everyone felt comfortable.
We took pictures so that families could head home afterward to celebrate with a meal.
We had lots of family with us for the Mass. This was especially wonderful because Uncle Fr. Tom con-celebrated!
The moment he gave Miriam the blood of Christ gave us goosebumps. The Body of Christ, the Communion of Saints, the Living Church - all of it seems so tangible in moments like these.
After Mass...more pictures! Grandparents and godparents!
It really turned into a priest party...Fr. Tim stopped by, Uncle Fr. Tom was there (of course), and Fr. Ben dropped in to eat! Hopefully it means an extra dose of grace for Miriam. 
She had her cake. Lots of family pictures...we were all dressed up so it seemed like the right thing to do. Most were pretty good...
Plenty of food and playtime and naptime.
Just the perfect day for this shiny soul.

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