Wednesday, August 29, 2018


Let's do the responsible thing and start out with the Simon pictures. Trucks and lawnmowers are his thing...or anything with wheels or a motor. Most typical little boy ever. He won't sit on our laps for a story, but we were able to check out a few truck books from the library that held his attention for more than 5 seconds!
And he still loves to pull out all the pots and pans and stir up a storm. 
He hilariously fell in one afternoon...Mommy pulled him out right after she got a picture because he will graduate from high school one day and we'll need this moment documented.
And onto the rest of the month of May...Family suppers are important in our house. But Tim's work was crazy and he was often having to miss this time all together. So we decided to add in some extra family time each week with a Family Date. We try to choose inexpensive experiences that keep us interacting with each other. For example, we avoid movies on the big screen. But making popcorn together and playing games at home is definitely allowed! Or going to the park for playtime, a walk, and a picnic.
Or an evening at the bowling alley. Did you even imagine they made bowling shoes this small? ADORABLE! Our local bowling alley sometimes has a great buy-ahead deal with the price of shoes, bowling, pizza, and a drink for the whole family all rolled into a seriously affordable package. So we took advantage of that!
And our first weekend after school let out, we took a Family Weekend up to the lake for quality time and lots of family meals!
That's not coffee.
We also fit in a couple of zoo trips during May. MORE importantly, Mommy got all three girls to wear matching outfits! Miriam seems to be outgrowing the idea of this being wonderful and fun (please, say it isn't so!!!). BUT let the record show, they were matching and it was beautiful.
All 7 of the Wellman grandchildren
Before the girls were out of school for the summer, we tried to sneak in a few fun things for Felicity and Simon...zoo, park, and lots of outdoor playtime. While we LOVE, LOVE, LOVE summer with everyone home, it adds of layer of noise when Mommy simply can't be as available to the youngest kids as they might like. So these last days before break seemed important to enjoy. Too bad Simon and Elijah don't realize how important sitting still to document these picture perfect moments is! At least Felicity is well trained.
Speaking of people who can barely sit still for a picture...some of Sarah's family took in a beer tasting event at Parkview Field in Fort Wayne. Lots of fun, of course. We found a couple of new favorites...pineapple ciders, duh. And the Distorter. Yum yum yum.
In May, Tim went with Vivian's first grade class on a field trip to see the butterflies at the Botanical Gardens and on a tour of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. They are right across the street from each other!
Bonuses for May: Uncle Ryan passed a super-hard engineering exam and had a birthday!
Plus! Tim built Sarah a garden for her necessary dig-in-the-dirt therapy that he will never understand but supports anyways. He's just a good husband like that.
And the deadline we've been racing toward at full speed arrived. It's the end of the school year and the beginning of summer break. (HURRAY!!) The girls received their end of the year awards...both for writing! Perhaps some day they can collaborate and publish books together!
Miriam also received an Art Award for her grade level which means her birds will hang in the school office during the 2018-19 school year for everyone to enjoy. She was OVER THE MOON when she found that green ribbon on her artwork and this smile might be one of her proudest, happiest school moments to date!
Vivian also had a special award at the end of the year - a Virtue Award for the Virtue of Respect! A proud parenting moment: seeing Vivian recognized for good behavior among a group of really well behaved children. Good work, little girl!
After the last day of school it's our little tradition to go out for ice cream!
We happily embraced summer on a hot Memorial Day weekend. We invited over the family, filled water balloons, set up corn hole boards and an oversized slip and slide, and turned up the best jams (we're a "Sweet Caroline" and "American Pie" crowd) was a party.
We ended the month at our favorite splash pad.
And Tim and Sarah had a real triple date with real friends! Lining up schedules with two other couples and getting the babysitters arranged is no small feat but so so worth it. Especially if Sarah gets to hold our best baby friend. 
More summer coming!

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