Thursday, March 13, 2014

Optimist About This

Even after posting for seven days straight, we're behind again and you're going to hear what we've been up to in shorthand-ish. Here we go...

G Week
The highlights: a search from green gems. Anytime we get to hide things around the house and find them, the girls love it! We also sang a little rhyme while we were searching and had to bow when we found one. Turns out they can think about more than one thing at a time!

Goldilocks and the Three Bears went over really well, too. We did size sorting and a hard/soft sorting activities.
They made "porridge" with oats and water. Great opportunity to talk about measurement, portion size, and size sorting. Miriam could not pull herself away from this.
Vivian drew this picture of Goldilocks and the bears. Mommy asked, "Is this when Goldilocks was scared of the bears and ran all the way home?" Hope you can make out Vivian's reply on the picture. That mind...
Felicity break: attacking a whole clementine.
G Week also meant gumdrops - sorting, graphing, construction. Who knew gumdrops were for more than eating?
H Week
Took far fewer pictures this week, but we did some painting with our hands. Vivian loves any opportunity to paint her body.
But Miriam is a big fan of staying clean...
Miriam did a great job of coming up with her own 4 color pattern when we talked about hearts and she's mastered drawing one! She's been trying for a while and was so proud of herself!

Science Central
We took the girls to the local children's museum this past weekend. It was their reward for a bribe good behavior incentive program. After vacationing with Sarah's family this summer, they came home a complete disaster for the whole bedtime routine and we wanted to get them back on track. Basically they got to put a puff ball in a jar each night they went to bed without being crazy and slept all night. Then they choose a BIG family outing together. Come to find out the local-ish indoor water park we promised is shuttered up. Plan B was the museum and we finally took them! Of course, it was all they dreamed it would be!
We have words to share about the weather, but it'll save for another day...Teaser: Felicity saw grass! And it amazed her.

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