Tuesday, November 5, 2013

ViviMouse: A Birthday

Vivian turned three this weekend! Three! Remember her like this?
Purple? We do. Kinda a scary first minute of life there. Cord wrapped around her neck and not wanting to come out. Then there she was. Nurses rubbing her and pinching her until she wailed. And all was right with the 8 lb 15 oz-er.
But this weekend, all was not exactly right. Somewhere along the way, Viv picked up Hand Foot and Mouth Disease. [Happy Birthday! Love, Whatever You Put Your Mouth On At The Park!] It honestly wasn't all that horrible. LOTS of spots that didn't itch too badly but no sores in her mouth. Could have been worse.
Real mail - a card to color from Aunt Sue!
She still had a great birthday weekend...we just kept our Baby Leopard home and washed our hands every ten minutes to avoid spreading it. Strategy is working pretty well so far.
To start the day, she had breakfast cupcakes!
Later, we ordered pizza and she got to pick the toppings! When we took a walk around the block, Miriam generously offered to let her pick the direction (this is quite an honor, even if it doesn't sound like it). Of course, opening presents and blowing out candles!
What to say about Vivian now that she's three? Just a few things:
  • Never leaves her hair barrettes or ties in.
  • Loves to sit and read to herself.
  • People often say, "Wow! She's FEARLESS isn't she!?!?" Yes, she is.
  • Runs everywhere!
  • Recently took an interest in Felicity and now loves to help take care of her. Hates to hear her cry.
  • Favorite foods are mac n cheese with hotdogs, mango, and 'Tella (Nutella) toast.
  • Dresses herself and is getting better at putting clothes on the right direction.
  • Dora is her favorite show everything.
  • Loves to play with water.
  • Is busy, busy, busy always.
  • Seems to be getting over the biting!!!!
We love you, Mouse. Three's going to be a great year for you.

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