Monday, October 20, 2014

Ground Breaking!

Today, earlier than expected, we had ground breaking! No time for gold shovels or ribbon cutting ceremonies or a shot gun start. They unloaded the big trucks and got right to it. Daddy was working, but Mommy was able to take the girls over to the land to check it out. They were content just watching the heavy machinery and the dirt moving. Felicity said, "TWUK!" (Truck.) on repeat for five minutes. Mommy took as many pictures as seemed reasonable - the construction workers were watching and they don't need to think she's nuts already.
Just about six more months now (and endless pictures of the progress...buckle down, everyone, it's happening)! SO exciting!

1 comment:

  1. I meant to call all day to see if this was happening...the best laid plans...CONGRATS! (So fun that the girls wore their mommy-made raincoats for the event, too!) Cannot wait to see the process.
